This semester I'm only taking 2 subjects, in actual only one because the other one I'm just taking it without any credit hour. Everyday i head to class at 8am and return to my room at 11am. My other class is at 8pm so I have the whole day to rest. Even so, I feel very exhuasted everyday. If i was to blame on the subjects that I'm taking, while comparing to last semester with 5 subjects and struggling to finish off my FYP, I could say that this semester is very relaxing for me. But why is it that my body feels very tired everyday?? I asked my friend, Yus and she answered that this may be due the works that i've been doing during the weekends with non-stop. When it comes to thinking of that, it somehow does solves the math. No wonder I feel so tired during the weekdays since on saturday and sunday I torture myself to do all the works starting early in the morning till midnight with no break at all. However, that's my duty at home, which I somehow enjoy :)
Sometimes I ask myself when the time comes for me to have my own family, would I be able to do all the houseworks everyday as well as entertaining my husband and children?? Wallahu'alam. Whatever happens I pray to Allah may He lend me the strength, capabilities and a good health so that I can continuously serve my family the very best I possibly could. I pray may Allah help me to be a good wife to my husband and also a good mother to my children, amin.
"My only dream is to be the best wife to my husband and the best mother to my children" - Wan-
...لا يكلف الله نفسا إلا وسعها
Salam Wan :) Please do not push yourself...
... I pray that things will become much brighter than the dullest moment of your life .. that the brightest light will sparkle the tears you have ever shed .. :)
Have faith .. it won't be long :) .. for time is relatively subjective .....
Salam faheem thanks for your concern. But its ok. I have to push myself in order to fulfill my duties at home :)
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