Thursday, June 14, 2007

Muhasabah Diri - Amat Berguna Untuk Diamati...

'DEMI MASA' manusia selalu terlupa


Satu TAHUN ?

12 Bulan

52 Minggu

365 Hari

8760 Jam

525600 Minit

31536000 Detik

Distribusi normal manusia meninggal dunia (tahun)

< 60th

> 70th

60th - 70th



Kebanyakan manusia meninggal dunia antara usia 60 thn-70thn (majoriti) Puratanya manusia meninggal 65 th

"Baligh: Start untuk seseorang di perhitungkan amal baik atau buruknya selama hidup di dunia"

Laki-laki Baligh 15 tahun

Wanita Baligh 12 tahun

Usia Yang ada untuk kita beribadah kepada-Nya, puratanya:

Mati - Baligh = Baki Usia, :~ 65 - 15 = 50 tahun

50 tahun digunakan untuk apa?


50 tahun=

18250 hari=

458000 jam

12 jam siang hari

12 jam malam hari

24 jam satu hari satu malam

Gambaran kasarnya:

Mari kita muhasabah bersama..... ....

Waktu kita tidur 8 jam/hari ;

Dalam 50 tahun waktu yang habis dipakai tidur 18250 hari x 8 jam= 146000 jam= 16 tahun 7 bulan; dibulatkan jadi 17 tahun

Alangkah sayangnya waktu 17 tahun habis di gunakan untuk tidur, padahal
kita akan tertidur dari dunia untuk selamanya... ...

Waktu aktiviti kita di siang hari 12 jam

Dalam 50 tahun waktu yang habis dipakai untuk aktiviti:

18250 hari x 12 jam= 219000 jam = 25 tahun

Aktiviti disiang hari:

Ada yang bekerja, atau bercinta, ada yang belajar atau mengajar, ada yang sekolah atau kuliah, ada yang makan sambil jalan-jalan, dan banyak lagi.

Waktu rehat 4 jam

Dalam 50 tahun waktu yang dipakai untuk rehat 18250 hari x 4 jam= 73000 jam = 8 tahun

Rehat: menonton tv, atau mungkin dihabiskan termenung di buai khayalan.... .

17 tahun + 25 tahun + 8 tahun = 50 tahun

Lalu Bila Nak Beribadah???

Padahal Allah ada berfirman yang bermaksud; "Tidak KUciptakan jin dan manusia melainkan untuk beribadah kepadaKU".

Maut datang menjemput tak pernah bersahut,

Malaikat datang menuntut untuk merenggut,

Manusia tak kuasa untuk berkata-kata,

Allah Maha Kuasa atas syurga dan Neraka,

Terimalah habuanmu seadanya..

Memang benar!!!

Menuntut ilmu itu ibadah, kalau niatnya untuk ibadah, tetapi kebanyakannya belajar agar mudah mencari pekerjaan. Sekiranya belajar
itu tidak membantu menambah pendapatan kita, kita tidak akan belajar...

Memang benar!!! Bekerja cari nafkah itu ibadah, tapi bekerja yang bagaimana?
Ramai orang bekerja untuk hidup bermewah-mewahan dan amat kurang sedekahnya.

" Jarang ada yang menolak untuk dipuji dan dipuja tatkala berjaya "

Lalu Bila Nak Beribadah???

Oh! mungkin solat 5 waktu itu dianggap sudah mencukupi... !

Karena kita fikir; solat wajib besar pahalanya, solat amalan pertama yang dihisab, solat jalan untuk membuka pintu syurga...

Benarkah solat kita itu mencukupi dan diterima !!?

Berapa banyak solat kita dalam 50 tahun???

1 solat = 10 minit ..... 5x solat = 1 jam

Dalam waktu 50 tahun waktu yang terpakai utk solat = 18250 hari x I jam =18250 jam= 2 tahun

waktu yang kita manfaatkan dalam 50 tahun di dunia cuma 2 tahun untuk
solat ( ini kalau yg solat 10minit! Kalau solat macam ayam patuk tanah..amacam?) 2 tahun dari 50 tahun kesempatan kita....itupun belum tentu solat kita bermakna berpahala dan di terima.

Dan sekiranya pahala solat kita selama 2 tahun tidak sebanding dengan perbuatan dosa-dosa kita selama 50 tahun;

dalam percakapan kita yang
selalu dusta, baik yang sengaja ataupun tidak, dalam pertuturan kita yang sering mengguris orangtua kita, dalam harta kekayaan kita yang selalu kedekut terhadap orang faqir, dalam setiap perbuatan kita yang selalu bergelumang dosa...


Bukan satu yang mustahil kita umat akhir zaman akan berhamburan di neraka untuk mendapatkan balasan kelalaian.......

Terlalu banyak masa yang terbuang percuma selama manusia hidup di dunia dan semuanya itu akan menjadi bencana........


Tiada kata terlambat walaupun waktu berlalu cepat, isilah ia dengan sesuatu yang bermanfaat...

Ingatlah negeri kita...Akhirat

"Barangsiapa yang menyukai bertemu dengan Allah s.w.t, maka Allah s.w.t menyukai untuk bertemu dengannya, dan barangsiap yang benci bertemu dengan Allah s.w.t maka Allah s.w.t benci bertemu dengannya" - Wan-

Monday, June 11, 2007

Anxiety of Exam

Today, early in the morning I woke up to do my last revision before the exam. At 7.30am I dressed myself to be prepared to go for the exam which I thought was at 9am. Sharp at 8.30 am I headed towards the car to get my exam slip which I had left. Unfortunately, the slip was not there. Yus had searched all over the place, opened up all of my books but still it was not there. Yus spontaneously asked me to get in the car and drove off to Econs Lab.

There in Econs Lab, the computer caused me some trouble. It took me 10 minutes to successfully print out the exam slip while the clock on my watch was already showing 5 minutes to 9.00am. I rushed to the car and Yus quickly drove me to CAC. I was relieved to see all of the students still hanging out infront of the main entrance.

Few seconds later, we were asked to enter into CAC. With full of confident, I headed straightly to my seat which was allocated at number 25. Surprisingly, there was a sister sitting there. I looked around. No familiar faces were there. I became panic. The exam was about to start. I quickly reached one brother who was in charge in the CAC and raise to him my problem. He was confused too and called another sister to solve my problem of sitting arrangement. She too was confused. She told me that this hall is only for those who are taking "Bahasa Melayu Kerjaya", not LE4600. I became more confused. They told me to go and check at Foyer to see whether LE4600 is being placed over there.

I rushed to Foyer and asked one of the examinor in charge. She looked at my slip and pointed out to me, "Sis, your exam is at 2.30pm. Look carefully at your exam slip". I was blurr. To my surprise, it was true that my exam is at 2.30pm not 9am. I laughed at myself. Boy oh boy, this was the first time I faced this kind of situation throughout my four years of study =) Because of being too eager to finish off the exam, I ended up walking back to my college exhausted but not yet finished with the exam =)

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Tafsir Al-Quran

Tafsir Surah Yunus (ayat 26)
“Bagi orang-orang yang berbuat baik, ada pahala yang terbaik (syurga) dan tambahannya (keni’matan bertemu dengan Allah). Dan muka mereka tidak ditutupi debu hitam dan tidak pula kehinaan. Mereka itulah penghuni syurga, mereka kekal di dalamnya.”
(Surah Yunus: 26)

While reading the Quran, I came across this verse. This verse somehow gave this kind of ‘feeling’ which touched my heart. The literal meaning of the verse sounds quite simple but the actual meaning of this verse is really deep. In this verse, Allah guarantees to all human kind, those who do kindness on earth, believe in Him, follow all of his commands shall enter paradise. Some questions which I’ve been asking myself for such a while,

“How many of us (muslims) truly believe in Allah?”
“How many of us truly feel the existence of Allah?”
“Why is it some muslims confess that they believe in Allah but still dare to disobey His commands??

All of these questions have been playing in my mind for such a long time since in high school. Until now, I’ve reached a conclusion to all these questions that it is true that all muslims confess their believe in Allah but not all of them truly believe in Allah. What I’m trying to convey here is that if one purely and truly believe in Allah, really feels the existence of Allah wherever he or she goes, no one will even dare to disobey Allah with any intention at all. But what today’s scenario is showing to us is that muslims only believe in Allah when they’re praying or only in certain occasions. When it comes to wordly matters, they tend to put religion aside. They forget all of Allah’s commands and follow their desires without having any awareness or fear of Allah. Worst scenario, muslims only confess themselves as muslims but do not obey any of Allah’s command.

Fellow friends….this is why our ummah nowadays is lacking behind. It is because of our faith in Allah that is so weak, from day to day it is becoming weaker and hence some easily change their beliefs from believing in Allah to disbelieve in Allah. Fellow friends, let us pray to Allah may He guard our faith, may He not close our heart from seeing the light of truth and may we become ‘istiqamah’ in all of our acts in gaining Allah’s pleasure and spreading the truth to the world.

“Rabbana atina fi aldunia wa fi alakhirah wa qina ‘azab annar” -Wan-

True Friendship

True friendship isn't seen with the eyes, it is felt with the heart.
When there is trust, understanding, loyalty, and sharing.
True friendship is a rare feeling, but when it is found
It has profound impact on our well-being, strength, and character.
True friendship does not need elaborate gifts
Or spectacular events in order to be valuable or valued.
To ensure long-lasting quality and satisfaction,
True friendship only needs a few key ingredients:
Undying loyalty, unmatched understanding, unsurpassed trust,
Deep and soulful secrets, and endless sharing.
These ingredients, mixed with personality and a sense of humor,
Can make a friendship last a lifetime!
This is just a thank you, my friend, for all the wonderful and colorful
Special ingredients You've brought to my life!

"Thank You Yus for being such a wonderful best friend" - Wan-

Friday, June 8, 2007

I'll miss you my dearest best friend

Final exam is just around the corner. Next Monday will be my last day of exam during my undergraduates studies. Even now, I'm starting to miss my dearest best friend, Yus. It was only one year I knew her but with Allah's blessing our friendship became so strong until each of us can feel the strong bond between both of us.
Since I knew her, she had always been there during the dullest moments and had shine up my life. In times when I was down and had no one to talk to, she was there for me.
She had always lend her shoulder for me to cry on. When problems fall upon me, she would always give me the courage and support I needed. She would never leave me alone to face all the problems by myself.
I truly appreciate all that you have done for me Yus. Thank you so much my dear friend. It was such a blessing to know you and have you as a best friend. Thank you again Yus. I'm so sorry if ever I offended you Yus. I'm so sorry if I was not a good best friend to you or I did not meet your expectation as a best friend which you had dreamed of. My only hope is that throughout our friendship, I managed to make you smile. I hope that you were happy to have me as your best friend. Be strong my dear, may Allah bless you forever. My prayers shall be with you where ever you are. Best friends forever. Miss you Yus :)

"A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway" -Wan-